
每一道光,彷彿東昇的日照 建構出屬於總臺的美學 是創新的語彙,美麗而洗鍊 飛航服務總臺, 50 年來 肩負確保飛航安全的使命 守護每一架飛機起降,翱翔無限天際 持續服務為飛安守望 無限領航 安全、創新、效率 Safety · Innovation · Efficiency Like the sun rising from the east, every ray of light carves out Air Navigation and Weather Services (ANWS)' distinct aesthetic that shines of innovation- beautiful and polished. For nearly half a century, the ANWS has embraced flight safety as its primary mission, watching over each and every aircraft soar into the sky, continuing to provide air traffic services as the guardian of flight safety.