
總 臺 組 織 施 政 服 務 收 入 未 來 大 事 附 錄 33 Sporadic renovations of Songshan Airport Control Tower were completed on December 8th, 2017, improving the tower's workplace environment and landscape. Project of painting and removing mold on walls of houses in the Binjiang area was completed on December 8th, 2017, improving the environment of the houses and ANWS's overall image. 106 年 12 月 8 日完成松山塔臺零星整修 案,提升塔臺職場工作環境及景觀。 106 年 12 月 8 日完成濱江地區房舍等油 漆粉刷及壁癌處理工程案, 改善房舍環 境及提升機關形象。 濱江地區油漆粉刷及壁癌處理工程 Painting and Wall mold removal Operation in Binjiang area