
業務類別 Category 工作項目 Items 工作成果 Results 103 年 2014 104 年 2015 105 年 2016 106 年 2017 107 年 2018 航路預報 Route Forecasts 各種分析天氣圖表 Various Analytical Weather Charts 41,119 41,109 41,183 41,093 40,908 高空風溫度預報圖 High Altitude Wind Temperature Forecast Chart 30,838 30,883 30,741 30,195 27,719 顯著天氣預報圖 Significant Weather Forecast Chart 5,844 5,840 5,856 5,842 5,840 合計 Sub-total 77,801 77,832 77,780 77,130 74,467 機場預報 Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts 編發機場預報 (註 3 ) Issuing Terminal Aerodrome Forecast(TAF) (Note 3) 16,060 16,212 15,152 16,344 16,351 機場預報修正 TAF AMD TAF Revision(TAF AMD) 316 454 496 355 370 合計 Sub-total 16,376 16,936 15,648 16,699 16,721 天氣守視 Weather Watches 顯著天氣資訊 Significant Weather Information 1,635 1,471 1,874 1,372 1,402 飛機報告 Aircraft Report 522 600 609 554 495 本區機場天氣報告 (註 4 ) Regional Airport Weather Report (Note 4) 111,653 134,204 135,532 145,420 145,362 AMHS 氣象電報 AMHS Weather Dispatch 5,451,576 5,787,617 6,108,760 6,705,328 7,206,573 短時預報 Short-term Forecast 1,464 1,464 1,464 1,460 1,460 天氣影像圖 (註 5 ) Weather Graphics (Note 5) 574,261 576,173 784,005 1,237,968 1,238,208 民航機場颱風警報 Civil Airport Typhoon Warning 214 311 315 341 415 合計 Sub-total 6,141,321 6,501,836 7,032,559 8,092,443 8,593,915 總計 Total 6,668,515 7,033,638 7,562,736 8,605,939 9,091,005 註 1 : 106 年 1 月 1 日起,恆春機場飛航服務觀測時間變更為每日上午 9 時至下午 3 時,並配合機場作業時間編發機場預報 (TAF) 。 Note 1: Since January 1st, 2017, the aeronautical meteorological service (observation hours) has adjusted to 09:00AM to 3:00PM every day at Hengchun Airport, and The supply of Terminal Area Forecast (TAF) coordinates with each other. 註 2 : 107 年 8 月 22 日 ~9 月 12 日桃園都卜勒氣象雷達停機,進行發射機汰換作業。 Note 2: The Taoyuan Doppler weather radar was shut down from August 22nd to September 12th, 2018 for transmitter replacement. 註 3 : 102 年 2 月起新增提供七美機場全日機場預報 (TAF) ,另自 104 年 4 月起,於每週二及週五新增提供望安機場預報 (TAF) 。 Note 3: Since February 2013, All-day TAF has been provided at Qimei Airport, and TAF has been provided at Wangan Airport every Tuesday and Friday since April 2015. 註 4 : 102 年 1 月起濾除與本區相同報頭之大陸地區天氣報告。 Note 4: Chinese weather reports with the same prefix as Taipei FIR have been screened out since January, 2013. 註 5 : 102 年 1 月起新增可見光、紅外線頻道及歐洲衛星等多項衛星產品; 105 年 9 月起介接日本向日葵八號高解析度衛星資料。 Note 5: Since January 2013, satellite-based products, including visible light, infrared channels, and European satellites, have been employed. Since September 2016, ANWS has received high resolution satellite data from Japan's Himawari-8 satellite. 2018 飛航服務總臺 年報 38