
(六)辦理招生說明會 為鼓勵青年學子踴躍報考飛航管制員, 107 年 3 月至 5 月分別赴元智、海洋、淡 江及輔仁大學辦理民航特考飛航管制員招 生說明會,計 4 場總計約 300 人次參與。 VI. Recruitment Talk In order to promote air traffic controller recruitment, 4 CAA air traffic controller recruitment talks were held in Yuan Ze University, National Taiwan Ocean University, Tamkang University and Fu Jen Catholic University, with a total participant number of around 300. 飛航管理系統 Air Traffic Management System(ATMS) (四)與福岡飛航情報區啟用交管( Transfer of Control, TOC ) / 接 管( Assumption of Control, AOC )雷達自動交接管功能 IV. Th e Tr a n s f e r o f Co n t ro l ( TOC ) a nd Assumption of Control (AOC) Automatic Radar Handoff Function with Fukuoka FIR has been launched In response to the rapidly grow on air traffic volume in East Asia area, the TOC/AOC Automatic Radar Handoff Function with Fukuoka FIR has been launched on June 1st, 2018. With automation replacing manual verbal handoff operations, coordination between and workload of both side has been significantly reduced, which in turn improved efficiency of air traffic services and flight safety for both parties. 為因應近年東亞地區航行量大幅度增長, 107 年 6 月 1 日與福岡飛航情報區啟用 TOC/AOC 雷達自動交接管功能,透過自 動化功能代替原人工口頭交接管作業, 大幅減少雙方管制員之協調及工作量, 增進雙方飛航服務效率及提升飛航安全。 (三)賡續辦理塔臺管制員督查作業 III. Continued ATC proficiency surveys on Tower controllers Following the proficiency surveys carried out in the past three years on Tower Controllers, Radar Controllers, Coordinators and Supervisors, a survey on Tower Controllers was conducted to examine controllers' ability on settling emergency or abnormal situations, as well as familiarization on the compulsory reporting process. From April to June 2018, a total of 20 sessions of oral examination were carried out on 69 controllers fromdifferent air traffic control towers. 接續過往三年分別實施塔臺管制員、雷達 管制員、協調員及班務督導專案督查,賡 續辦理塔臺管制員督查作業,檢視塔臺同 仁對發生飛航服務相關事件通報及遇突發 狀況之處理能力,自 107 年 4 月至 6 月赴 各機場管制臺,以口試方式進行督查,共 完成 20 梯次、 69 人次。 (五)提供緊急應變處置及醫療救護支援 V. Emergency response and medical assistance In addition to providing Air Traffic Control services, all facilities are prepared to handle abnormal or emergency situations such as bird strikes, mechanical failures, and aircraft with passengers needed urgently medical supplies. This ensures the safety of passengers and aircraft. A total of 513 emergency situations were handled in 2018. 各航管作業單位除提供航機飛航管制服務 外,並於航機發生鳥擊、機械故障、乘 客身體不適等異常狀況時提供緊急應變處 置,以確保航機及乘客安全, 107 年共計 提供 513 次緊急應變處置。 2018 飛航服務總臺 年報 9