
總 臺 組 織 施 政 服 務 收 入 未 來 大 事 附 錄 09 (三)完成強化班務督導與協調員管制作業專案 督查 為檢視班務督導與協調員之專業素養與 班務管理能力, 106 年 4 月 10 日至 8 月 31 日,針對輪值之班務督導及協調員, 進行口試及實作,強化席位間分層負責 與團隊合作之功能,共完成 24 梯次、 71 人次。 (四)配合協助管制員心理性向測驗常模建置 配合民航局航空醫務中心之心理性向測 驗工具更新,自 106 年 4 月 5 日起至 107 年 2 月為期 11 個月,安排輪值班務 之管制員,進行心理性向測驗以建立常 模,提升心理性向測驗鑑別度,確保人 員進用有效性。 (五)提供緊急應變處置及醫療救護支援 各航管作業單位除提供航機飛航管制服 務外,並於起降航機發生鳥擊、機械故 障、乘客身體不適等異常狀況時提供緊 急應變處置,確保航機及乘客安全。共 計提供 354 次緊急應變處置(含乘客身 體不適、鳥擊、機械故障等)。 III. Completing ATC supervisors' and coordinators' control competence assessment From April 10th to the August 31st 2017, oral and practical tests were administered to assess the professional competencies and abilities of ATC supervisors and coordinators on duty. This was to strengthen delegation of responsibility and teamwork between working positions. 24 sessions for 71 staff members were assessed in total. IV. Establishing norms based on mental aptitude tests for air traffic controllers The updated mental aptitude test of the CAA's Aviation Medical Center was conducted by controllers over a period of 11 months starting on April 5th, 2017 to February 2018, in order to establish a norm to enhance the discrimination ability of mental aptitude test, and ensure the test's effectiveness in recruitment. V. Emergency response and medical assistance In addition to providing Air Traffic Control services, all facilities are prepared to handle abnormal or emergency situations such as bird strikes, mechanical failures, and aircraft with passengers needed urgently medical supplies. This ensures the safety of passengers and aircraft. A total of 354 emergency situations (including sick passengers assistance, bird strikes and mechanical failures) were handled. 啟用 Q12 、 Q13 、 Q14 新航路 Launching new routes Q12, Q13 and Q14 新航路順利啟用後黃總臺長麗君與同仁合影 Photo of ANWS Director and colleagues after the new routes were successfully launched