
10 飛航服務總臺年報 2017 Annual Report 改進航機分時流量統計軟體 106 年 10 月依據單位需求改進桃園國際機場分時離到場流量統計軟體,新增邊境點分時頁籤、 排序及匯出功能,可選擇各別或不同鄰區之邊境點、到場時間及時間排序,提供單位依不同需 求預作航情規劃,提供航管單位在啟動流量管制措施時,能對不同入境點作出不同強度之管控 依據。 Improving hourly air traffic flow statistics software The hourly air traffic arrival flow statistics software at Taoyuan International Airport was upgraded in October 2017 based on the requirements of various departments. Functions that were added include a page for hourly air traffic at border crossing points, sorting, and export. Users can select border crossing points with neighboring regions, arrival time, and sort by time, allowing departments to prepare flight plans in advance based on different requirements. This provides the basis for ATC units to apply different levels of control for different border crossing points when air traffic flow management are required. 提升到場管理效益 持續提升到場管理工具使用效益,自 106 年 1 月 5 日起共辦理 6 次到場管理工作小組會議,滾 動式檢討系統參數及改進作業程序,臺北區域管制中心及臺北近場管制塔臺並正式訂定機場可接 受到場率 (Airport Acceptance Rate, AAR) 之調整原則,強化雙方對流量管理原則作業之一致性。 Improvement in arrival traffic management efficiency To continue improving the effectiveness of using arrival traffic flow management tools, a total of 6 arrival traffic management work group meetings were held since January 5th, 2017. Rolling review of system parameters and improvement of operating procedures were carried out during the meetings. Taipei Area Control Center and Taipei Approach Control formally established principles for adjusting AAR, increasing the consistency of air traffic flow management principles of both parties. 劇烈天氣監測系統 (QPESUMS) 預測燈號 為因應流量管理作業需考慮本區天氣因素,請中央氣象局協助開發 QPESUMES 在桃園國際機場 主要待命區提供 6 小時顯著天氣預測燈號資訊,以提供航管單位在可能的顯著天氣下調整本區 機場可接受到場率 (Airport Acceptance Rate, AAR) ,以一致的作業模式適度調節空域容量。 quantitative precipitation estimation and segregation using multiple sensors(QPESUMS) forecast light signal Since weather conditions need to be factored into air traffic flow management, we requested assistance from the Central Weather Bureau in developing 6-hour significant weather forecast light signals of QPESUMS for the main holding area of arriving traffic to Taoyuan International Airport. This information is provided for ATC units to adjust the airport acceptance rate (AAR) of airports in this region under possible significant weather, using a consistent operational model to appropriately adjust airspace capacity. (六)精進流量管理措施 VI. Improving air traffic flow management measures QPESUMS 預測燈號資訊 QPESUMS forecast light signal information