
14 飛航服務總臺年報 2017 Annual Report V. Execution of the "Operational-technological cooperation agreement for meteorological data and forecasting models systems between the MOTC's CAA and Central Weather Bureau (CWB)" Imp rovemen t o f QPESUMS cus t omi zed products, calibration of model wind field and civil aviation airport observation data, and management of the data receiving server were completed in 2017. VI. Publication of 2016 Aerodrome Climatological Annual Summaries On April 5th, 2017, the 2016 Aerodrome Climatological Annual Summaries were completed and published on the ANWS's official website (http://www2.anws.gov.tw). There, statistical weather information for civil airports are available for download. VII. Replacing the aviation weather report system An integrated interface and database for the aviation weather report system was established. This features better error detection and monitoring functions for system reports, which insures the immediacy and correctness of aviation weather reports that are issued. This in turn effectively improves the quality of aviation weather services in Taipei FIR. 航空氣象收發報系統介面 Interface of the Aviation Weather Report System (五)執行「交通部民用航空局與中央氣象局 氣象資料與預報模式系統作業技術合作 協議」 106 年 度 完 成「 劇 烈 天 氣 監 測 系 統 (QPESUMS) 」客製化產品強化工作、模 式風場與民航機場觀測資料校驗工作及 資料接收主機之管理。 (六)編製航空氣候年報 106 年 4 月 5 日完成 105 年航空氣候年報, 置 於 總 臺 官 網( http://www.anws.gov. tw )電子刊物下,提供各單位下載使用 民用機場之氣候統計資料。 (七)汰換航空氣象收發報系統 建置整合性之航空氣象收發報操作介面 及資料庫、強化系統報文偵錯及監控功 能,確保航空氣象電報發布之即時性和正 確性,有效提升本區航空氣象服務品質。