
總 臺 組 織 施 政 服 務 收 入 未 來 大 事 附 錄 55 09/27 正式啟用飛航服務安全管理資訊系統 - SERA ( Safety Event Reporting and Analysis System )。 Safety Event Reporting and Analysis System(SERA) has been launched to operation. 10 月 OCTOBER 09/28 黃總臺長麗君率相關人員參訪民用航空局航空醫務中 心,瞭解飛航管制人員心理性向測驗常模建立作業。 Director of ANWS, Huang, Li-chun along with 5 staffs visited Civil Aviation Medical Center to understand the development of Normative Study of Aptitude Tests and Job Analysis of Air Traffic Controllers. 10/05 舉辦桃園國際機場新塔臺工程上樑祈福儀式。 Topping-Out Ceremony for The New Air Traffic Control Tower in Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport was held. 10/20 榮獲民航局 106 年為民服務績效定期評鑑第 2 名。 ANWS received the second place honor of "Regular Evaluation of Service Performance" from CAA. 10/21 舉辦總臺盃第三屆慢速壘球錦標賽,共計 112 人參加。 Hosted 2017 the third ANWS Cup Slow Pitch Softball Tournament, with a total of 112 participants.