
總 臺 組 織 施 政 服 務 收 入 未 來 大 事 附 錄 57 空軍氣象聯隊一行 16 人參訪本總臺,雙方就相關航空氣象服務與作業方式進行交流。 A group of 16 from the Air Force Weather Wing visited ANWS to understand aeronautical meteorology services and operations. 11/28 12/02 臺北區域管制中心副主任李嘉玉陞任該中心主任。 Taipei Area Control Center Deputy Chief, Li, Chia-yu was promoted to the Center Chief. 12 月 DECEMBER 12/07 為推廣安全管理系統,提醒同仁於日常作業中落實風 險管理,舉辦「我(們)所認為的安全」創意短片競 賽決選活動。 To promote SMS and to remind staff be aware of hazards in daily operations. ANWS hosted the "Safety Culture Short Video Contest". 12/15 飛航安全調查委員會一行 7 人參訪北部飛航服務園區 及松山機場管制臺,以瞭解本區各類飛航服務作業情 形。 A group of 7 from the Aviation Safety Council visited North ATS Park and Songshan Airport Control Tower to understand air traffic services in Taipei FIR. 12/20 啟用馬祖南竿機場簡式著陸區燈。 The Simple Touchdown Zone Lights of Nangan Airport have been launched. 12/15 榮獲民航局所屬各機關行政績效考核第 2 名。 ANWS received the second place honor of "Annual Performace Evaluation of Agencies" from CAA.