
04 飛航服務總臺年報 2017 Annual Report 01 總臺長的話 WORDS FROM THE DIRECTOR 面對全球政治經濟、兩岸情勢、原油波動及勞 資爭議等議題, 106 年我們在交通部民用航空 局、軍方、航空站、臺灣桃園國際機場股份有 限公司、各民航業者及全體同仁的通力配合下, 持續汰新設備系統、精進專業知能、改善服務 措施,提升臺北飛航情報區 ( 以下簡稱本區 ) 的 飛航安全與服務品質,吸引各國航機過境本區, 管制架次及盈餘穩健成長, 106 年飛航服務總管 制架次逾 166.1 萬、桃園國際機場起降架次逾 24.8 萬、盈餘逾 16.08 億元,均創下歷史新高紀 錄! 在強化落實飛航安全管理上,啟用飛航服務安 全管理資訊系統 (Safety Event Reporting and Analysis System,SERA) 與 Q12 、 Q13 、 Q14 等 3 條航路,並透過班務督導與協調員管制作 業專案督查、實施流量管理措施、建置航管席 位輔助資訊顯示系統,提升航管作業安全及效 率,加上完成飛航訊息處理系統及新航管備援 In light of the global political, economic, and cross-strait situation, oil price fluctuations, and labor-management disputes, Air Navigation & Weather Services (ANWS) continued to replace and update equipment and systems, enhance professional competencies, and improve service measures in collaboration with the Civil Aeronautics Administration, the military, airports, Taiwan Taoyuan Airport Corporation, civil aviation operators and all colleagues. As such, we have improved the flight safety and service quality of Taipei Flight Information Region (Taipei FIR) and attracted aircraft from all over the world. This has enabled us to achieve stable growth with respect to the number of controlled flights and profits. 2017 was a year of record highs as the number of controlled flights exceeded 1,661,000, aircraft movement at Taoyuan International Airport exceeded 248,000, and profits exceeded NT$1.608 billion! ANWS began using the Safety Event Reporting and Analysis System (SERA) and routes Q12, Q13 and Q14 for better flight safety management. We gradually raised flight safety factors through various efforts, including completion ATC supervisors' and coordinators' competence assessments; implementation of air traffic flow management measures; implementation of Supplementary Information System; improvements in air traffic management safety and efficiency; completion of