
總 臺 組 織 施 政 服 務 收 入 未 來 大 事 附 錄 05 系統設計審查作業,逐步提高安全係數,而桃 園新塔臺新建工程及塔臺自動化系統,也陸續 完成主要結構工項及系統測試,構築未來航管 作業新貌。 而在精進改善飛航服務品質上,軟體方面持續強 化航空情報服務網及航空氣象服務網功能,汰 換松山與桃園、高雄與恆春機場自動氣象觀測系 統( Automatic Weather Observation System, AWOS )、航空氣象收發報系統及啟用臺中 清泉崗機場資料鏈終端資訊自動廣播服務系統 (Datalink ATIS, D-ATIS) ,確保相關資訊穩定並即 時提供;硬體方面,新增金門機場終端航管雷達, 完成馬公 02 跑道、高雄 27 跑道、嘉義 36 跑道 及清泉崗訓練中心等 4 套 ILS/DME 設備架設及 飛測,建置馬祖南竿牛角嶺風向風速計及增設馬 祖南、北竿機場助航燈光設備等,確保裝備穩定 可靠及提高航機操作安全。 對外,我們戮力優化各項飛航服務,對內則不 斷策勵自我,所有同仁團結一心,我們得到民 航局所屬各機關公文績效檢核評鑑第 1 名、行 政績效考評第 2 名、為民服務績效定期評鑑第 2 名及國有財產管理及運用效益方案績效考核 第 3 名的亮眼成績!未來,仍有許多的挑戰與 困難,我們將秉持「安全、創新、效率」的信 念,一一突破並克服,茁壯安全與服務的質量, 朝著成為「亞太地區一流的飛航服務提供者」 邁進! review procedures for the ATS Messages Handling System (AMHS); and design of the new Independent Backup ATC System. Work items of the main structure and system testing were sequentially completed for the new air traffic control tower of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport and its automated system. Collectively, these efforts will put a new face on the future of air traffic control. In terms of continual improvement of air traffic service quality, our efforts in software include enhancing functions of the Aeronautical E-Services (AES) and Aeronautical Meteorological Service Page (AMSP); replacing the Automatic Weather Observation Systems (AWOS) for Songshan Airport, Taoyuan International Airport, Kaohsiung International Airport and Hengchun Airport; and replacing the aviation weather report system and launching the Datalink ATIS (D-ATIS) at Taichung Cingcyuangang Airport. These software upgrades ensure that information is stably provided in real- time. As for hardware, we added an air traffic control (ATC) radar at Kinmen Airport; completed the installation and aerial survey of four ILS/DME including runway 02 of Magong Airport, runway 27 of Kaohsiung International Airport, runway 36 of Chiayi Airport and Cingcyuangang Training Center; installed an anemometer at Niujiaoling in Nangan, Matsu; and added navigation aid lighting equipment at Matsu's Nangan Airport and Beigan Airport. All this has ensured the stability and reliability of equipment and increased the operational safety of aircraft. Furthermore, we are exerting great effort in the optimization of various air traffic services. We are constantly pushing ourselves to do better and everyone at ANWS works together cohesively. This has enabled us to win first place in the Civil Aeronautics Administration's (CAA) Evaluation of Document Performance, second place in the Annual Performance Evaluation of Agencies, second place in the Regular Evaluation of Service Performance, and third place in the Evaluation of National Property Control and Performance! Many challenges and difficulties still lie ahead of us, but we will continue to overcome them one by one by upholding the principles of "Safety ‧ Innovation ‧ Efficiency". As we continue to grow and achieve better safety and service quality, we will take strides towards becoming "A World Class Air Navigation Services Provider in the Asia Pacific Region"! 交通部民用航空局飛航服務總臺 總臺長 Director, Air Navigation and Weather Services, CAA, MOTC