
・ 塔臺自動化系統部分, 107 年 7 月 31 日完成定位安裝, 10 月 26 日完成陣地 測試, 12 月 21 日完成系統各類種子教 官訓練。 ・ As for the ATC tower automatic system project, it had been installed on July 31st, 2018, the Site Acceptance Test was completed on October 26th, and the instructor training was completed on December 21st. ・ 107 年辦理公共藝術民眾參與風箏繪畫 比賽,得獎作品製作為紀念小風箏,並 於 6 月 5 日辦理推廣講座及頒獎典禮。 ・ A public art kite design competition was held in 2018 with the winning work were commemorating small kites. The promotion lecture and award ceremony was held on June 5th. ・ 預計 108 年底完成新塔臺所有工程、塔 臺自動化系統平行試運轉、新舊塔臺作 業轉移及公共藝術設置成果,展現桃園 機場塔臺園區新風貌。 ・ It is estimated that by the end of 2019, all of the construction work of the new ATC tower, ATC tower automatic system parallel test run, transfer and cutover, and the installation of the public art will be completed, showing a whole new look of the Taoyuan Airport ATC tower complex. 塔臺自動化系統種子教官訓練 ATC automatic system instructor training 公共藝術推廣講座 Public art promotional talk 桃園新塔臺群樓外觀 Outlook of Taoyuan new ATC tower complex 參、施政成果 Achievements 33