
16 飛航服務總臺年報 2017 Annual Report (四)汰換松山、桃園、高雄及恆春機場自 動氣象觀測系統( Automatic Weather Observation System, AWOS ) 106 年 2 月 19 日完成汰換高雄及恆春 機場 AWOS 、 4 月 12 日完成汰換松山 及桃園機場 AWOS ,提供精準與穩定 之機場氣象資訊,提升航空氣象服務 品質。 (五)建置馬祖南竿牛角嶺風向風速計 106 年 6 月 30 日完成增設馬祖南竿牛 角嶺風向風速計, 8 月 1 日起氣象報文 增加牛角嶺風向風速資料,有利航機預 為因應落地前可能遭遇之低空風切,提 升飛航安全。 IV. Replacing the Automatic Weather Observation System (AWOS) at Songshan Airport, Taoyuan International Airport, Kaohsiung International Airport and Hengchun Airport Replacement of the AWOS at Kaohsiung International Airport and Hengchun Airport was completed on February 19th, 2017. Replacement of the AWOS at Songshan Airport and Taoyuan International Airport was completed on April 12th. This provides accurate and stable airport weather information for better aviation weather services. V. Installing an Anemometer and Wind vane at Niujiaoling in Nangan, Matsu An Anemometer and Wind vane was installed at Niujiaoling in Nangan, Matsu on June 30th, 2017; wind speed and wind direction data from Niujiaoling have been provided in weather reports as of August 1st. This will improve flight safety by helping aircraft take precautions against low-level wind shear they may encounter before landing. 桃園機場及松山機場 AWOS AWOS in Taoyuan International Airport and Songshan Airport 南竿牛角嶺風向風速計 Anemometer and Wind vane at Niujiaoling, Nangan