
總 臺 組 織 施 政 服 務 收 入 未 來 大 事 附 錄 17 (七)增設各機場助導航之燈光設備 106 年 7 月 7 日、 11 月 25 日 及 12 月 10 日分別完成增設北竿機場跑道頭翼排 燈、南竿機場簡式著陸區燈及臺東豐年 機場 22 跑道進場燈,提高跑道頭識別 度及強化航機著陸識別,確保航機操作 安全。 (八)汰換各機場助導航之機電設備 106 年 2 月 24 日及 6 月 5 日分別完成汰 換馬公機場、金門機場助導航裝備高低 壓供配電設備,提升助導航裝備電源之 可靠性與穩定性。 臺中清泉崗機場 D-ATIS D-ATIS in Taichung Cingcyuangang Airport VII. Increasing airport navigational lightings On July 7th, runway wing bar lights were added in Beigan Airport; November 25th, touchdown zone lights were added in Nangan Airport; and December 10th, 2017, approach lights were added on runway 22 at Taitung Fongnian Airport. The lights benefit runway threshold identification for aircraft landing, ensuring the operational safety of aircraft. VIII. Replacing power supply equipment for air navigational facilities The electricity distribution systems for navigational aids were replaced at Magong Airport on February 24th, and at Kinmen Airport on June 5th, 2017. This improves the reliability and stability of the power supply for navigational aids. (六)啟用臺中清泉崗機場資料鏈終端資訊自動 廣播服務系統( Datalink ATIS, D-ATIS ) 106 年 8 月 15 日啟用臺中清泉崗機場 D-ATIS ,提供即時之機場氣象資訊,確 保飛航安全。 VI. Launching the Taichung Cingcyuangang Airport D-ATIS The D-ATIS at Taichung Cingcyuangang Airport was launched on August 15th, 2017. This provides immediate airport weather information and ensures flight safety.