
總 臺 組 織 施 政 服 務 收 入 未 來 大 事 附 錄 19 六、安全管理 (一)落實三階層管控機制 每季召開安全委員會、每月召開安全工 作會議、作業單位每周召開安全行動小 組會議,監控總臺安全管理系統、追蹤 安全相關議題及安全績效達成情形。 (二)修正安全管理指導文件 106 年修正「飛航服務安全管理實施計畫 (SMIP) 」 AC 版、「飛航服務安全管理系 統手冊」 AG 版及「飛航服務安全查核手 冊」 AF 版等安全管理相關指導文件。 (三)強化安全風險管理機制 以作業單位每日簡報( Briefing )、安全 行動小組會議、業務檢討會及臺務會報 等機制辨識組織、系統及日常作業危害 因子;列管並追蹤相關安全議題辦理情 形,落實安全風險管理機制。 飛航訊息處理系統設計審查作業 Review of AMHS system design 6. Safety Management System(SMS) I. Implementation of a three-level SMS control & monitor scheme Safety meetings were held regularly to enhance safety management systems, conduct follow-up on safety-related issues, and monitor ANWS's safety performance. These meetings included the quarterly Safety Review Committee led by our Director, monthly Safety Working Group and weekly Safety Action Groups. II. Amendment of SMS documents In 2017, ANWS revised our organization's "Safety Management Implementation Plan (SMIP)", "SMS System Manual" and "Safety Audit Manual". III. Enhancing safety risk management Organizational, system and daily operations hazard factors are identified through daily briefings reports, safety action group meetings, operations review meetings and ANWS affairs reporting meetings. Progress in safety issues is controlled and monitored as part of the safety risk management. XI. Improvement of Air Traffic Service Systems A new AMHS that complies with the latest ICAO Doc 9880 standard is being developed t o imp rove t he qua l i t y o f ae ronau t i ca l telecommunication services; review of system des i gn and ma i n t enance t r a i n i ng we re completed on July 30th, 2017. A new backup ATC system is being developed to replace the original Independent Backup ATC System (IBAS) that is gradually becoming inadequate. The new system will ensure safety in ATC operations. Review of system design was completed on July 23rd, 2017. 汰新飛航訊息處理系統,符合 ICAO Doc 9880 最新標準及提升我國航空通信服務 品質, 106 年 7 月 30 日完成系統設計審 查及維護訓練。 建置新航管備援系統取代既有漸不敷使 用之航管備援系統 (IBAS) ,確保航管作業 安全, 106 年 7 月 23 日完成系統設計審 查。 (十一)精進飛航服務系統