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Tower Automation System

Together with the new ATC Tower building construction, it is expected to implement a leading edge Tower automation system (TAS) that can support the international airport with high-traffic services, and can achieve a seamless transition from the existing tower to the new tower.

TAS integrates the existing multiple surveillance sources, Flighte Data System, AWOS, ATIS and Navids, as well as Airfield Ground Lighting Control & Monitoring System (ALCS), parking bay system, and docking system owned by Taoyuan Airport Company, which comprises Advanced Surface Movement Guidance & Control System (A-SMGCS) function in this project.

TAS in Tower control room

Saab Technologies B.V. was awarded by ANWS in November 27th, 2015. The function of system and interface integration was tested accordingly in the factory and on-site testbed in 2017. The installation of the system was completed in 2018. The overall system test, staff training, and transition to new system were completed in 2019.
