ANWS operates Air Traffic Management System (ATMS) as primary ATM automation system, Independent Backup ATC System (EBAS) as fallback system and Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Tower Automation System (TAS).
Air Traffic Management System, ATMS
Two operational ATMS are deployed in North and South Air Traffic Service (ATS) parks for mutual backup. With the centralized monitoring and control, and remote accessibility, it’s easier to maintain and dynamically adjust to meet operational needs. It also facilitates automated coordination between ATS units and supports efficient and safe ATS operations.
ATMS has three main functions which are Air Traffic Control, ATC, Air Traffic Flow Management, ATFM and Air Space Management, ASM. The Multi Sensor Tracking System, MSTS combines surveillance data from Radar, Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast, ADS-B and Multilateration, MLAT, and provides more stable and accurate aircraft position to enhance flight safety and improve airspace usage.
ADS-B data are broadcast from avionics with position information derived from Global Navigation Satellite System, GNSS. This may complement or enhance surveillance for areas with no or poor radar coverage. ATS Interfacility Data Communications, AIDC function integrated in ATMS allows ATC facilities to digitally exchange flight movement data and transfer of control jurisdiction, to supplement voice communications and to ensure acquisition of correct data in time.
In addition, several advanced functions are integrated in ATMS such as Air Traffic Flow Management, ATFM and Arrival Management, AMAN tools, using aircraft performance data, flight plans, meteorology and runway orientation information to better predict air traffic flow, arrange arrival sequence, and facilitate ATFM coordination with adjacent FIRs. This may reduce holding in congested terminal airspace and reduce fuel consumption.
ATMS-Extended Backup ATC System, EBAS
EBAS serves as fallback system during ATMS unavailability such as planned maintenance or unexpected events. EBAS processes surveillance data and synchronize flight data with ATMS. With data synchronization, identical human-machine interface, and similar functions to ATMS, controllers can swiftly switch between ATMS and EBAS to provide uninterrupted air traffic service. For air traffic controllers to work efficiently, EBAS also provides advanced functions, such as automatically exchanging information with aircrafts and neighboring Flight Information Regions.
Tower Automation System, TAS
In order to enhance the situation awareness onto aircraft and vehicle movements, weather condition and navigation aids working status, TAS is deployed in the new tower of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport.
TAS, equipped with Advanced Surface Movement Guidance & Control System (A-SMGCS) function, enables air traffic controllers to access to all essential information and data input needs through one common HMI (Human Machine Interface) by integrating 15 types of external systems such as surveillance sources, flight data system, meteorological data (AWOS, ATIS, LLWAS), Navids, as well as Airfield Lighting Control & Monitoring System (ALCMS) and parking bay data owned by Taoyuan Airport Company.
TAS provides Electronic Flight Strips (EFS) and Datalink Departure Clearance (DCL) to improve the efficiency of traffic management and message transmission. It also provides safety net function, such as Runway Monitoring and Conflict Alerting (RMCA), Conflicting ATC Clearances (CATC) and Conformance Monitoring Alerts for Controllers (CMAC), which improve the safety of airside operation.
In addition, the 360-degree Tower Simulator, consists of a cylindrical screen with 6 high resolution LED projectors, a diameter of 8 meters and 2.91 meters height, is built in the new tower of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport to improve controllers’ capability. It provides controllers a 360∘ view of the simulated airfield environment with accommodating 4 TAS training positions. Controllers can experience training like real operations through the 3D system and scenarios.
The tower simulator provides the flexible function to create simulated airport scenes and training exercises as required. Currently, five airport scenes have already been created, including Taoyuan, Songshan, Kaohsiung, Penghu, Fengnian (including Zhi-Hang Air Base), with highly configurable and adaptable weather simulation during training. The advanced simulator enhances ATC's capability in response to the variety of traffic and environment, as well as abnormal and emergency events.
Name | Number | Location |
Air Traffic Management System (ATMS) | 2 sets |
North and South ATS Parks Controller Working Position in 11 airport control towers: Taipei, Kaohsiung, Songshan, Fongnian, Hengchun, Magong, Kinmen, Beigan, Nangan, Ludao and Lanyu |
ATMS-Extended Backup ATC System (EBAS) | 2 sets |
North and South ATS Parks Controller Working Position in 6 airport control towers: Taipei , Kaohsiung, Songshan, Fongnian, Magong, and Kinmen |
Tower Automation System (TAS) | 1 set |
Tower Park of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport |
360-Degree Tower Simulator | 1 set |
Tower Park of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport |