There are AWOS, LLWAS, AOAWS, MDS and JMDS to provide weather information during a flight.AWOS consisting of wind direction, wind speed, tempetature, dew points, precipitation, atmospheric pressure, runway visibility, cloud height and other major meteorological parameters is used for weather forecast.
Wind Sock
Cloud Ceilometer
Visibility Meter
Name | Number | Location |
Automatic Weather Observation System (AWOS) |
28 sets |
Taiwan Taoyuan Int'l Airport(6 sets), Kaohsiung Int'l Airport(2 sets) and Taipei Songshan(2 sets) / Beigan(2 sets) / Nangan(2 sets) / Kinmen Shangyi(2 sets) / Hengchun(2 sets) / Qimei(2 sets) / Wangan(2 sets) / Taitung Fongnian(2 sets) / Ludao(2 sets) / Lanyu Airport(2 sets) |
Low Level Windshear Alert System (LLWAS) |
2 sets |
Taiwan Taoyuan Int'l Airport, Taipei Songshan Airport |
Advanced Operational Aviation Weather System (AOAWS) |
1 set |
Taipei Aeronautical Meteorological Center |