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Tower Design Concept

By holding an international competition to invite local and international professional companies with experiences in design and integration of advanced high-traffic control tower, and also have knowledge of local regulations. ANWS expect to achieve the goals of “flight safety, operation efficiency, and seamless integration/transition”. There were 4 professional teams participating in the international competition held in March 2014, and finally the team of Sinotech Engineering Consultant, Aeroports de Paris (ADPI), and Hwashin Architects was selected.

Design Concept

Sketch of Taoyuan Airport New ATC Tower

ATC Tower Park was located in the center of Taoyuan airport, between Terminal 1 and 2. Therefor the tower design should create integrated surrounding landscape and can echoes both terminal geometric designs that can become an iconic landmark and has architectural image of national gateway.

Design Concept of Lines

Design Concept of Lines

The west side of the tower shows more straight line with silver metal material that echoes rigid shape and color of Terminal 2. The east side of the tower is covered by soft curved line with white color that echoes soft shape appearance of Terminal 1.

 the tower design was inspired from the existing terminal buildings

Because the tower design was inspired from the existing terminal buildings, to achieve coordination and integration between terminal buildings, and it also makes the tower has an appropriate identity and clear architectural feature.

Design Concept of Building Volume

Design Concept of Building Volume

Accompany the 62m high ATC tower, several functional buildings will be built in this park at the same time, such as power and air conditioning room, air navigation equipment room, controllers and engineers standby facilities etc. to support the daily operation demands.
