About ANWS
The Air Navigation and Weather Services, CAA, MOTC performs its function in accordance with the rules and regulations of ICAO and relevant international standards thereby providing all information on air traffic control, flight information, aeronautical meteorology, aeronautical telecommunication, ground-based navaids for all civilian and military aircrafts inside the Taipei Flight Information Region round-the-clock. Its responsibility is to ensure flight safety and air transport convenience and take “Flight Safety, World Class, Air Traffic Service and Customer Satisfaction” as its quality policy to provide timely, accurate and complete air traffic service to air travelers.
ANWS has completed the installation plan of communication, navigation and surveillance/air traffic management (CNS/ATM) system for assuring flight safety and upgrading air traffic service quality. This unveiled a new era of air traffic service in the Republic of China. In the future, we will futher our effort to provide integrated, innovative and thoughtful services to customers with safety as the foremost concern in order to achieve the vision of “Flight Safety, World Class, Air Traffic Service and Customer Satisfaction.”