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2021 Annual Report

2022/07/20 Hits:594
2021 Annual Report
  • Published Date: 2022/06/28
  • Publication No: GPN:2010600405、ISSN:2222-7725
  • Publishing House: Air Navigation and Weather Services, CAA, MOTC
  • Language: English、中文
  • Author: Air Navigation and Weather Services, CAA, MOTC
  • Price: 200
In 2021, the world continued its silent battle against COVID-19. As guardians of our nation’s borders, ANWS and aviation industry partners firmly stood our ground while adhering to epidemic prevention measures and regulations as we continued to provide air traffic services and ensure flight safety. Amid this arduous chapter, we owe our gratitude to the Ministry Of Transportation and Communications, Civil Aeronautics Administration, the military, the Taoyuan International Airport Corporation Ltd., airport authorities, and various civil aviation counterparts for their support and cooperation. Although Taipei Flight Information Region oversaw a decrease in annual controlled movements as well as take-offs and landings, ANWS’ unwavering dedication to air traffic services and the pursuit of flight safety remain steadfast. While we continue to strengthen our services to adhere to international standards, we will also proceed with equipment upgrades and replacements as we push forward and strive for operational excellence to brace for the industry’s recovery in the future.
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2021 Annual Report
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