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Air Navigation and Weather Service. CAA. MOTC
Air Navigation and Weather Service. CAA. MOTC
In step with the global economic recovery and the continuous benefit of direct flights between Taiwan and mainland China, our aviation industry saw fast growth in 2010. As a result, domestic air-traffic volume showed first-time improvement from a continuous 5-year decline, and both passenger and cargo volume at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport reached historical new heights. Air Navigation and Weather Services (ANWS), the Taipei Flight Information Region (FIR) Air Traffic Service (ATS) provider, has been pleased to see the recovery of the aviation industry and has not overlooked its mission to provide first-class air traffic services. Every staff member upholds the spirit of steadfastness, conscientiousness, innovation and willingness to change. This attitude is especially reflected in our CNS/ATM program, which has entered the key testing process and has finished one of its main initiatives as the relocation of the Taipei Flight Information Center, Taipei Aeronautical Meteorological Center and Taipei Aeronautical Telecommunication Center to the North ATS Park, which was completed in 2010. Administrative staffs of ANWS have also dedicated themselves to be supportive, and hence, receiving high praise from competent authorities for related works in citizen-services evaluation, innovative proposals, and other projects. All the efforts and achievements done by all the staffs have provided a solid foundation for the Air Traffic Management System to be inaugurated in 2011 and the organizational reform in 2012 which are considered a fruitful achievement.